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07 November 2006



Hey guys I'm glad to see Ryan made it safe and you all are having a blast. Just wanted you to know I'm following you every step of the way. I love you all and be safe. Eileen


Dawne--Sawatdee krap! I was just helping Alex & Julia Crawford buy a condo, and Julia mentioned that you and Darryl had absconded to Bangkok and told me about your site. Hope you're both having fun; if you have any questions about the area, let me know--I know a lot of folks who use to live there working at the Embassy who I'm sure would be glad to pass on some tips. (My own tips: if you happen to get down to the south, I was a big fan of Ao Nang and Raileh Bay; if you like seafood, a grilled whole fish on the beach there with some Nam Jim Talay is still one of my favorite meals. And Luang Prabang in Laos is also not too far from Bangkok, relatively speaking, and is a very nice peaceful place to go for a weekend when the noise and smell of Bangkok gets out of hand; Laotian is from what I can tell just Thai with an accent, so you can also take advantage of any Thai skills you might have.)

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