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13 October 2006


Ronald David aka Dad

Hey DP & DD,

Wow! I fell in love with the hanging monastery . . . great, great pictures. And I am proud of you for coming up with plan B. I would probably be sitting around pouting, pissed-off actually, sucking on noodles and waiting for God to fix it for me, or Debbi who serves as my "director of emergency preparedness and contingency planning."

And hagglin' sounds hilarious. I couldn't keep a poker face and would probably get royally rooked. And why do I always feel guilty when someone makes a sales pitch and I decline their offer? So, I would probably start off on my world trek with two backpacks and end up with ten. Debbi would start out with two and end up with one. She has a propensity for losing stuff and I have knack for picking up stuff. Go figure.

Love you both mad . . . Dad

Pam Barnes

I finally made it to your sight!!! I feel you with the hagglin', been there, done that, got the tee shirt!!! The pics are great...seems like you two are havin' a ball. Dee, be glad it wasn't raining on the train, you would have smelled more than just the toilets!! This is bringing back memories!! Wish I was there with you, you know I got jokes but I will save them for later. Don't know who might read my comments :-) I am sending this link to Chris, I'm sure he will be extremely interested in your travels. Hang in there and keep the postings coming. I am going to try and check in on you guys once a week!!

Love ya,

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