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13 October 2006


lisa b

i think you can now call yourselves "seasoned travellers." i'm impressed with the ease with which you all are rolling with the punches! we can all take a page from your book...


Hey guys that is too bad about the visa thing but god is on your side. Why is it a problem you have your passport. Hey confused but glad you adjusted your plans. I would like to know when your going to greece maybe Me James and Natarios can met up with you guys where will you be this spring.

Love Bernie

uncle keith and crew

hey folks new jersey loves you. I almost feel like i'am on the trip with you as i follow you on the web.keep those pixs a you madly.uncle keith and crew

Uncle David and Aunt Pam

WOW!! I am so excited for you guys. I am sticking many of your pics on my desktop so that while I am working, I can stop and take a trip. I would love to be with you.
I didn't know Ryan was meeting you. That will be so cool. Yall are like Carmen San Diego. I won't post any jokes about the funk you encountered.
I know a little about that hagglin' thang. If you go to Turkey, it will be the same.
Stay safe and keep your eyes open.


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