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22 May 2007



Hey! Is it lucky you two to meet up with a fellow Nomader? So glad to see us all staying in touch and getting to continue world exploration. I hope you two are continuing to have an incredible trip - it's great to read up on where you've been! I head back to the US in two weeks - I'll be living vicariously through you after that!!


Hi guys

I thought you would be back by now hope all is well. You didn't miss any thing in NYC Wall st is under contruction and thats about it. I wish I could meet you two some where around the world just want to say I love you both. Holla at me
Love Bernie

Hayden, Harrison, Liz, and Joel

Wow, everytime we read your comments, it sounds like you are seeing some great things - scenery, art, culture, family, etc!

Sorry we missed your phone call the other day. Harvey said we came back to his house 15 min after you called. That was part of our U.S. Nomadic experience driving to Connecticut (to see the UMASS posse - Benny and Holly live there now), New York which included a trip to Gloria's on Nostrand for the famous Roti's and Philly for more family and in between paid tolls in every state (Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Pennsylvania, New York) which used to mostly be free.

Anyway, wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DARYLL!

Lots of Love to Both of you


Hi !!!
Happy Birthday to you (LA lalalalalal)!!!! Happy Birthday to youuuu Darilllll !!! lalalla Hapy birthday to youuuuu...
I wish you all the best for both of you. I hope you are ok and having fun in Brazil, Peru, Venezuela....
lots of love.
bisous. Sandra


Hey Dawne & Daryll!!! :o)

Each time I read your blog, I smile so much my cheeks cramp! lol!! Living thru your words and images is always wonderful and I love sharing your adventures with anyone that will listen.

Thanks for the bday postcard! I was very honored to receive it! DP... happy belated birthday to you. September is rapidly approaching and everyone will be glad to see you two return, but I'm sure the routine of adult life will seem quite boring to you after your year of adventure. May the memories sustain you!!! Just wait until you two have grandkids... you'll actually have proof to back up your stories! HAHA!! All is well here, same politics, different day.

Miss and Love You Both!!
Kim B.

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